« Le paysage est un tissage de formes et de couleurs, je puise ma force créative dans la nature qui ne cesse de nous étonner et que nous devons préserver et vénérer »  

BA22033 MINIMAL 33


BA45064 CURVES 64

BA12050 FORMS 50

Constantly inspired by the work of the great masters of the Bauhaus and its environment, Notté advocates a return to basics. As a painter on his canvas, she composes frames of colors, always looking for accuracy, daring audacity, between lines games, shapes and materials. The textile and weaving become its support through a collection of carpets with formal and colorful notes that Caroline Notté pays homage to the centenary of the emblematic movement, associating emotions and history.

Limited Edition designs, produces and sells high-quality, custom-made contemporary rugs. Each is characterised by the use of high-quality materials (silk, linen, wool, leather) which vary in size, colour and dimensions to suit the specific requirements of each customer.

Size and price on request.

Limited Edition